Halstead Community Primary School

Halstead Community Primary School

Home | Year Groups | Saplings years 1 & 2

Saplings years 1 & 2

Home | Year Groups | Saplings years 1 & 2

Saplings years 1 & 2

Welcome to Year 1 and 2!

Welcome to Saplings Class


The Class Teachers in Saplings Class are Mrs Hepworth and Mrs Saheed and the Teaching Assistant is Miss Pullen.

In Saplings Class, we are always happy and enjoy learning. We make sure our classroom is tidy and calm for us to learn in. We work hard and always try our best even when things are tricky. We listen carefully to everyone and share our ideas.  



  • PE is on a Wednesday morning and a Friday afternoon – please ensure your child wears a PE kit to school on PE days
  • Saplings have Forest School on a Wednesday afternoon
  • Please read with your child at home (minimum 3x per week) and record this in their reading record. Reading records  need to be brought into school everyday so that teachers can check home reading and make comments following reading sessions in school.
  • Homework will be sent out every Friday and is due the following Thursday.
  • New Reading books will be sent home on a Friday must be returned the following Thursday
  • Our Power Project and Reading Passport this term is due by the last Monday of the term 
  • Remember to pack a bottle of water each day. Busy children can be very thirsty!
  • Please bring a change of shoes for use on the field
  • Finally please do make sure that your child’s school uniform (and outdoor clothing) is labelled.  

Little Wandle Phonics

The DFE accredited Little Wandle Letters and Sounds programme is the scheme that we use to teach phonics at Halstead. 

Children are taught phonics as part of a whole class. We use assessments to track progress as well as identify any child in need of additional practice so that they keep-up. 

Children in Year 1 will recap the simple GPCs from phase 3 before they more to complex GPCs. All the graphemes taught are practiced in words, sentences, and fully decodable books. Children review and revise GPCs and words, daily, weekly and across terms and years, in order to move this knowledge into their long-term memory.

Little Wandle Reading

Your child will be bringing home a reading practice book matched to their phonic stage and will be fully decodable. Your child should be able to read the practice book independently and fluently without any significant help. These books will be issued to your child on Friday and must be returned the following Thursday.

To help foster a love of reading, each Friday your child will also be taking a book home that they can share and enjoy with you. Please share this book with your child, reading it to or with them as they will not yet be able to read it independently.


Newsletter Term 1

Newsletter Term 2

Newsletter Term 3

Newsletter Term 4

Little Wandle

Little Wandle Year 1 Overview

Year 1 Information for parents

Little Wandle Reading Letter

Saplings’ Curriculum

Year 1 End of Year Expectations

Year 2 End of Year Expectations

Saplings Curriculum Map 2024 -2025


Reading Passport Autumn 1

Reading Passport Autumn 2

Reading Passport Spring 1

Reading Passport Spring 2

100 books list

Reading List Year 1

Reading List Year 2

Power Projects

Power Project Autumn 1

Power Project Autumn 2

Power Project Spring 1

Power Project Spring 2

Learning Links

White Rose Maths

At Halstead Primary School we use resources by White Rose Maths for our Maths learning.  These lessons are carefully planned to ensure that children take small steps with their learning so that mathematical concepts can become secure.  In Years 1 and 2 we often use manipulatives and work practically to help embed this understanding.  We then move on from working with the concrete to work pictorially and then finally in the abstract – where we use numbers and symbols.  Click Primary Resources | White Rose Maths to find out more and access resources.

Times Table Rock Stars – click Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com) to access this educational website.  Can your child move on from playing in their garage all the way to being the headliner at a festival?