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Mrs S Saheed

Sue Saheed

Staff Governor

Mrs L Carter

Lisa Carter New

Parent Governor 

Morgan Hassim



Chair of Governors

Safeguarding / Co-opted Governor

Ms L Allen



Co-opted Governor

Mr N Scott



Co-opted Governor

Carole Hitchens and Chris McGeehan


Co-opted Governor

Miss H Patel



School Governing Bodies

The purpose of the Governing body is to review and determine school aims and objectives, its policies, plans, targets and monitor results. The day-to-day management of the school is the responsibility of the head of school, the principal professional advisor of the governing body. Governors provide support for and act as a “critical friend” to the headteacher and the school. The Governing Board meets at least 3 times a year, with each governor carrying out monitoring visits for their area of responsibility 3 times a year.  Reports from these monitoring visits are discussed and challenged at the School Board meetings.

The Chair of Governors is Laura Allen who can be contacted via:  laura.allen@halstead.kent.sch.uk

The Value of School Governance

Governing bodies make decisions that are in the best interests of the children and young people. Keeping the decision-making as close as possible to those that are affected by the decisions makes for sound and efficient leadership and governance.

Fulfilling the role of a school governor is, therefore, both a serious undertaking and enormously rewarding. Not only do governors bring their own knowledge and skills to the role, but, in learning how schools are run, they often develop their understanding of leadership.

The majority of employers appreciate this and are supportive of their staff taking on the responsibility. In addition, contributing to the growth and development of a school and seeing tangible improvements in the attainment and well-being of the children is a satisfying and important contribution to the local community.

The School Board at Halstead Primary School

At Halstead Primary School, the School Board consists of 8 Governors. Of these:

  • 1 is elected by parents
  • 1 is the Headteacher
  • 4 are co-opted (appointed by the Governing Board)
  • 1 is elected by staff 

Except for the Headteacher, all Governors are appointed/elected for a term of 4 years.
The School Board operates under the “Circle” model of governance, with 4 full School Board meetings per year.

The table below sets out details of all Governors who are currently in office or who were in the last school year.

Governor attendance 2022-2023